Resize a Cluster

As your workload changes, you can resize your TigerGraph Cloud cluster to maximize the efficiency of your resources. You can resize the instance type (the CPU and RAM allocated to your instance) or upgrade the storage volume:

If you choose to upgrade the instance type of a free-tier cluster, you must also upgrade the disk volume of the cluster.

Resizing instance types will result in a short period of downtime.


In the Clusters view, click the three-dot button to show the Actions menu column and select Resize cluster.

cluster actions dropdown

Resize instance size

In the window that appears, by default, the Resize instance size panel is selected. Resize disk size is grayed out by default for free-tier clusters.

sample cluster resizing

Click Resize Instance and choose the new instance type that you’d like to change to.

Resize disk size

If you decide that your cluster needs more disk storage space, TigerGraph Cloud allows you to upgrade your disk volume.

screen shot 2021 07 27 at 10.58.44 am
You need a paid-tier cluster in order to upgrade disk volume.