

ここではGSQLの読み込み言語を使って、読み込みジョブスクリプトを定義します。読み込みジョブでは、ソースとなるCSVファイル(LDBC SNB ベンチマークデータジェネレーターによって生成されたファイル)と先に定義した スキーマのすべてのマッピングをエンコードします。


USE GRAPH ldbc_snb
CREATE LOADING JOB load_ldbc_snb FOR GRAPH ldbc_snb {
  // 頂点を定義
  DEFINE FILENAME v_comment_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME v_post_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME v_organisation_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME v_place_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME v_forum_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME v_person_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME v_tag_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME v_tagclass_file;

  // エッジの定義
  DEFINE FILENAME forum_containerOf_post_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME comment_hasCreator_person_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME post_hasCreator_person_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME person_hasInterest_tag_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME forum_hasMember_person_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME forum_hasModerator_person_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME comment_hasTag_tag_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME post_hasTag_tag_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME forum_hasTag_tag_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME tag_hasType_tagclass_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME organisation_isLocatedIn_place_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME comment_isLocatedIn_place_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME post_isLocatedIn_place_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME person_isLocatedIn_place_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME place_isPartOf_place_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME tagclass_isSubclassOf_tagclass_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME person_knows_person_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME person_likes_comment_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME person_likes_post_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME comment_replyOf_comment_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME comment_replyOf_post_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME person_studyAt_organisation_file;
  DEFINE FILENAME person_workAt_organisation_file;

  // 頂点の読み込み
  LOAD v_comment_file
    TO VERTEX Comment VALUES ($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD v_post_file
    TO VERTEX Post VALUES ($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD v_organisation_file
    TO VERTEX Company VALUES ($0, $2, $3) WHERE $1=="company",
    TO VERTEX University VALUES ($0, $2, $3) WHERE $1=="university" USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD v_place_file
    TO VERTEX City VALUES ($0, $1, $2) WHERE $3=="city",
    TO VERTEX Country VALUES ($0, $1, $2) WHERE $3=="country",
    TO VERTEX Continent VALUES ($0, $1, $2) WHERE $3=="continent" USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD v_forum_file
    TO VERTEX Forum VALUES ($0, $1, $2) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD v_person_file
    TO VERTEX Person VALUES ($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, SPLIT($8,";"), SPLIT($9,";")) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD v_tag_file
    TO VERTEX Tag VALUES ($0, $1, $2) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD v_tagclass_file
    TO VERTEX TagClass VALUES ($0, $1, $2) USING header="true", separator="|";

  // エッジの読み込み
  LOAD forum_containerOf_post_file
    TO EDGE CONTAINER_OF VALUES ($0, $1) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD comment_hasCreator_person_file
    TO EDGE HAS_CREATOR VALUES ($0 Comment, $1) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD post_hasCreator_person_file
    TO EDGE HAS_CREATOR VALUES ($0 Post, $1) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD person_hasInterest_tag_file
    TO EDGE HAS_INTEREST VALUES ($0, $1) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD forum_hasMember_person_file
    TO EDGE HAS_MEMBER VALUES ($0, $1, $2) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD forum_hasModerator_person_file
    TO EDGE HAS_MODERATOR VALUES ($0, $1) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD comment_hasTag_tag_file
    TO EDGE HAS_TAG VALUES ($0 Comment, $1) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD post_hasTag_tag_file
    TO EDGE HAS_TAG VALUES ($0 Post, $1) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD forum_hasTag_tag_file
    TO EDGE HAS_TAG VALUES ($0 Forum, $1) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD tag_hasType_tagclass_file
    TO EDGE HAS_TYPE VALUES ($0, $1) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD organisation_isLocatedIn_place_file
    TO EDGE IS_LOCATED_IN VALUES ($0 Company, $1 Country) WHERE to_int($1) < 111,
    TO EDGE IS_LOCATED_IN VALUES ($0 University, $1 City) WHERE to_int($1) > 110 USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD comment_isLocatedIn_place_file
    TO EDGE IS_LOCATED_IN VALUES ($0 Comment, $1 Country) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD post_isLocatedIn_place_file
    TO EDGE IS_LOCATED_IN VALUES ($0 Post, $1 Country) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD person_isLocatedIn_place_file
    TO EDGE IS_LOCATED_IN VALUES ($0 Person, $1 City) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD place_isPartOf_place_file
    TO EDGE IS_PART_OF VALUES ($0 Country, $1 Continent) WHERE to_int($0) < 111,
    TO EDGE IS_PART_OF VALUES ($0 City, $1 Country) WHERE to_int($0) > 110 USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD tagclass_isSubclassOf_tagclass_file
    TO EDGE IS_SUBCLASS_OF VALUES ($0, $1) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD person_knows_person_file
    TO EDGE KNOWS VALUES ($0, $1, $2) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD person_likes_comment_file
    TO EDGE LIKES VALUES ($0, $1 Comment, $2) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD person_likes_post_file
    TO EDGE LIKES VALUES ($0, $1 Post, $2) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD comment_replyOf_comment_file
    TO EDGE REPLY_OF VALUES ($0, $1 Comment) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD comment_replyOf_post_file
    TO EDGE REPLY_OF VALUES ($0, $1 Post) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD person_studyAt_organisation_file
    TO EDGE STUDY_AT VALUES ($0, $1, $2) USING header="true", separator="|";
  LOAD person_workAt_organisation_file
    TO EDGE WORK_AT VALUES ($0, $1, $2) USING header="true", separator="|";


スケールファクター1のデータセット(約1GB)を生成しました。こちらからダウンロードしてください。 https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/tigergraph-benchmark-dataset/LDBC/SF-1/ldbc_snb_data-sf1.tar.gz

wget https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/tigergraph-benchmark-dataset/LDBC/SF-1/ldbc_snb_data-sf1.tar.gz


tar -xzf  ldbc_snb_data-sf1.tar.gz


  • social_network

  • substitution_parameters



setup_schema.gsql をダウンロードします。これは、スキーマスクリプトと次に示す読み込みジョブスクリプトを組み合わせたものです。

環境変数LDBC_SNB_DATA_DIR設定して、先に解凍生ファイルが入っているフォルダを指定します。次の例では、生データは/home/tigergraph/ldbc_snb_data/social_networkにあるので、シェルのエクスポートコマンドを使って、その場所を指定します。以上が完了したら、TigerGraphのサービスがまだ開始されていない場合は開始します。最後にsetup_schema.gsqlスクリプトを実行して、LDBCのSocial Networkグラフを作成します。

export LDBC_SNB_DATA_DIR=/home/tigergraph/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/

gadmin start all

gsql setup_schema.gsql

読み込みジョブスクリプト をダウンロードしてコマンドラインから呼び出します。

tigergraph/gsql_102$ ./load_data.sh
[Tip: Use "CTRL + C" to stop displaying the loading status update, then use "SHOW LOADING STATUS jobid" to track the loading progress again]
[Tip: Manage loading jobs with "ABORT/RESUME LOADING JOB jobid"]
Starting the following job, i.e.
  JobName: load_ldbc_snb, jobid: ldbc_snb.load_ldbc_snb.file.m1.1558053156447
  Loading log: '/mnt/data/tigergraph/logs/restpp/restpp_loader_logs/ldbc_snb/ldbc_snb.load_ldbc_snb.file.m1.1558053156447.log'

Job "ldbc_snb.load_ldbc_snb.file.m1.1558053156447" loading status
[FINISHED] m1 ( Finished: 31 / Total: 31 )
  |                                                                              FILENAME |   LOADED LINES |   AVG SPEED |   DURATION|
  |                       /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/comment_0_0.csv |        2052170 |    281 kl/s |     7.28 s|
  |     /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/comment_hasCreator_person_0_0.csv |        2052170 |    251 kl/s |     8.17 s|
  |            /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/comment_hasTag_tag_0_0.csv |        2698394 |    422 kl/s |     6.38 s|
  |     /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/comment_isLocatedIn_place_0_0.csv |        2052170 |    291 kl/s |     7.04 s|
  |       /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/comment_replyOf_comment_0_0.csv |        1040750 |    253 kl/s |     4.11 s|
  |          /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/comment_replyOf_post_0_0.csv |        1011421 |    248 kl/s |     4.07 s|
  |                         /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/forum_0_0.csv |          90493 |     87 kl/s |     1.03 s|
  |        /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/forum_containerOf_post_0_0.csv |        1003606 |    240 kl/s |     4.18 s|
  |        /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/forum_hasMember_person_0_0.csv |        1611870 |    431 kl/s |     3.74 s|
  |     /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/forum_hasModerator_person_0_0.csv |          90493 |     89 kl/s |     1.01 s|
  |              /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/forum_hasTag_tag_0_0.csv |         309767 |    297 kl/s |     1.04 s|
  |                  /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/organisation_0_0.csv |           7956 |      7 kl/s |     1.00 s|
  |/mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/organisation_isLocatedIn_place_0_0.csv |           7956 |      7 kl/s |     1.00 s|
  |                        /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/person_0_0.csv |           9893 |      9 kl/s |     1.05 s|
  |        /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/person_hasInterest_tag_0_0.csv |         229167 |    223 kl/s |     1.03 s|
  |      /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/person_isLocatedIn_place_0_0.csv |           9893 |      9 kl/s |     1.00 s|
  |           /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/person_knows_person_0_0.csv |         180624 |    169 kl/s |     1.06 s|
  |          /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/person_likes_comment_0_0.csv |        1438419 |    449 kl/s |     3.20 s|
  |             /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/person_likes_post_0_0.csv |         751678 |    331 kl/s |     2.27 s|
  |   /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/person_studyAt_organisation_0_0.csv |           7950 |      7 kl/s |     1.00 s|
  |    /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/person_workAt_organisation_0_0.csv |          21655 |     21 kl/s |     1.00 s|
  |                         /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/place_0_0.csv |           1461 |      1 kl/s |     1.00 s|
  |          /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/place_isPartOf_place_0_0.csv |           1455 |      1 kl/s |     1.00 s|
  |                          /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/post_0_0.csv |        1003606 |    195 kl/s |     5.14 s|
  |        /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/post_hasCreator_person_0_0.csv |        1003606 |    320 kl/s |     3.13 s|
  |               /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/post_hasTag_tag_0_0.csv |         713259 |    341 kl/s |     2.09 s|
  |        /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/post_isLocatedIn_place_0_0.csv |        1003606 |    327 kl/s |     3.07 s|
  |                           /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/tag_0_0.csv |          16081 |     16 kl/s |     1.00 s|
  |          /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/tag_hasType_tagclass_0_0.csv |          16081 |     16 kl/s |     1.00 s|
  |                      /mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/tagclass_0_0.csv |             72 |      71 l/s |     1.00 s|
  |/mnt/data/download/ldbc_snb_data/social_network/tagclass_isSubclassOf_tagclass_0_0.csv |             71 |      70 l/s |     1.00 s|



curl -X POST 'http://localhost:9000/builtins/ldbc_snb' -d  '{"function":"stat_vertex_number","type":"*"}'  | jq .
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:9000/builtins/ldbc_snb' -d  '{"function":"stat_edge_number","type":"*"}' | jq .