Vertex Functions

Functions to upsert, retrieve and delete vertices.

All functions in this module are called as methods on a TigerGraphConnection object.


getVertexTypes(force: bool = False) → list

Returns the list of vertex type names of the graph.


  • force: If True, forces the retrieval the schema metadata again, otherwise returns a cached copy of vertex type metadata (if they were already fetched previously).


The list of vertex types defined in the current graph.


getVertexType(vertexType: str, force: bool = False) → dict

Returns the details of the specified vertex type.


  • vertexType: The name of the vertex type.

  • force: If True, forces the retrieval the schema metadata again, otherwise returns a cached copy of vertex type details (if they were already fetched previously).


The metadata of the vertex type.


getVertexCount(vertexType: Union[str, list], where: str = "") → Union[int, dict]

Returns the number of vertices of the specified type.


  • vertexType: The name of the vertex type.

  • where: A comma separated list of conditions that are all applied on each vertex’s attributes. The conditions are in logical conjunction (i.e. they are "AND’ed" together).


A dictionary of <vertex_type>: <vertex_count> pairs.


  • If vertexType == "*": the count of the instances of all vertex types (where cannot be specified in this case).

  • If vertexType is specified only: count of the instances of the given vertex type.

  • If vertexType and where are specified: count of the instances of the given vertex type after being filtered by where condition(s).


TigerGraphException when "*" is specified as vertex type and a where condition is provided; or when invalid vertex type name is specified.



upsertVertex(vertexType: str, vertexId: str, attributes: dict = None) → int

Upserts a vertex.

Data is upserted:

  • If vertex is not yet present in graph, it will be created.

  • If it’s already in the graph, its attributes are updated with the values specified in the request. An optional operator controls how the attributes are updated.


  • vertexType: The name of the vertex type.

  • vertexId: The primary ID of the vertex to be upserted.

  • attributes: The attributes of the vertex to be upserted; a dictionary in this format:

    {<attribute_name>: <attribute_value>|(<attribute_name>, <operator>), …}


    {"name": "Thorin", points: (10, "+"), "bestScore": (67, "max")}

For valid values of <operator> see Operation codes.


A single number of accepted (successfully upserted) vertices (0 or 1).



upsertVertices(vertexType: str, vertices: list) → int

Upserts multiple vertices (of the same type).

See the description of upsertVertex for generic information.


  • vertexType: The name of the vertex type.

  • vertices: A list of tuples in this format:

(<vertex_id>, {<attribute_name>: <attribute_value>, …}),
(<vertex_id>, {<attribute_name>: (<attribute_value>, <operator>), …}),

+ Example:

(2, {"name": "Balin", "points": (10, "+"), "bestScore": (67, "max")}),
(3, {"name": "Dwalin", "points": (7, "+"), "bestScore": (35, "max")})

For valid values of <operator> see Operation codes.


A single number of accepted (successfully upserted) vertices (0 or positive integer).



upsertVertexDataFrame(df: pd.DataFrame, vertexType: str, v_id: bool = None, attributes: dict = "") → int

Upserts vertices from a Pandas DataFrame.


  • df: The DataFrame to upsert.

  • vertexType: The type of vertex to upsert data to.

  • v_id: The field name where the vertex primary id is given. If omitted the dataframe index would be used instead.

  • attributes: A dictionary in the form of {target: source} where source is the column name in the dataframe and target is the attribute name in the graph vertex. When omitted, all columns would be upserted with their current names. In this case column names must match the vertex’s attribute names.


The number of vertices upserted.


getVertices(vertexType: str, select: str = "", where: str = "", limit: Union[int, str] = None, sort: str = "", fmt: str = "py", withId: bool = True, withType: bool = False, timeout: int = 0) → Union[dict, str, pd.DataFrame]

Retrieves vertices of the given vertex type.

Note: The primary ID of a vertex instance is NOT an attribute, thus cannot be used in select, where or sort parameters (unless the WITH primary_id_as_attribute clause was used when the vertex type was created).
Use getVerticesById() if you need to retrieve vertices by their primary ID.


  • vertexType: The name of the vertex type.

  • select: Comma separated list of vertex attributes to be retrieved.

  • where: Comma separated list of conditions that are all applied on each vertex' attributes. The conditions are in logical conjunction (i.e. they are "AND’ed" together).

  • sort: Comma separated list of attributes the results should be sorted by. Must be used with limit.

  • limit: Maximum number of vertex instances to be returned (after sorting). Must be used with sort.

  • fmt: Format of the results:

    • "py": Python objects

    • "json": JSON document

    • "df": pandas DataFrame

  • withId: (When the output format is "df") should the vertex ID be included in the dataframe?

  • withType: (When the output format is "df") should the vertex type be included in the dataframe?

  • timeout: Time allowed for successful execution (0 = no limit, default).


The (selected) details of the (matching) vertex instances (sorted, limited) as dictionary, JSON or pandas DataFrame.


  • GET /graph/{graph_name}/vertices/{vertex_type} See List vertices


getVertexDataFrame(vertexType: str, select: str = "", where: str = "", limit: str = "", sort: str = "", timeout: int = 0) → pd.DataFrame

Retrieves vertices of the given vertex type and returns them as pandas DataFrame.

This is a shortcut to getVertices(…​, fmt="df", withId=True, withType=False).

Note: The primary ID of a vertex instance is NOT an attribute, thus cannot be used in select, where or sort parameters (unless the WITH primary_id_as_attribute clause was used when the vertex type was created).
Use getVerticesById() if you need to retrieve vertices by their primary ID.


  • vertexType: The name of the vertex type.

  • select: Comma separated list of vertex attributes to be retrieved.

  • where: Comma separated list of conditions that are all applied on each vertex' attributes. The conditions are in logical conjunction (i.e. they are "AND’ed" together).

  • sort: Comma separated list of attributes the results should be sorted by. Must be used with 'limit'.

  • limit: Maximum number of vertex instances to be returned (after sorting). Must be used with sort.

  • timeout: Time allowed for successful execution (0 = no limit, default).


The (selected) details of the (matching) vertex instances (sorted, limited) as pandas DataFrame.


getVertexDataframe(vertexType: str, select: str = "", where: str = "", limit: str = "", sort: str = "", timeout: int = 0) → pd.DataFrame


Use getVertexDataFrame() instead.


getVerticesById(vertexType: str, vertexIds: Union[int, str, list], select: str = "", fmt: str = "py", withId: bool = True, withType: bool = False, timeout: int = 0) → Union[dict, str, pd.DataFrame]

Retrieves vertices of the given vertex type, identified by their ID.


  • vertexType: The name of the vertex type.

  • vertexIds: A single vertex ID or a list of vertex IDs.

  • select: Comma separated list of vertex attributes to be retrieved.

  • fmt: Format of the results:
    "py": Python objects "json": JSON document "df": pandas DataFrame

  • withId: (If the output format is "df") should the vertex ID be included in the dataframe?

  • withType: (If the output format is "df") should the vertex type be included in the dataframe?

  • timeout: Time allowed for successful execution (0 = no limit, default).


The (selected) details of the (matching) vertex instances as dictionary, JSON or pandas DataFrame.



getVertexDataFrameById(vertexType: str, vertexIds: Union[int, str, list], select: str = "") → pd.DataFrame

Retrieves vertices of the given vertex type, identified by their ID.

This is a shortcut to getVerticesById(…​, fmt="df", withId=True, withType=False).


  • vertexType: The name of the vertex type.

  • vertexIds: A single vertex ID or a list of vertex IDs.

  • select: Comma separated list of vertex attributes to be retrieved.


The (selected) details of the (matching) vertex instances as pandas DataFrame.


getVertexDataframeById(vertexType: str, vertexIds: Union[int, str, list], select: str = "") → pd.DataFrame


Use getVertexDataFrameById() instead.


getVertexStats(vertexTypes: Union[str, list], skipNA: bool = False) → dict

Returns vertex attribute statistics.


  • vertexTypes: A single vertex type name or a list of vertex types names or "*" for all vertex types.

  • skipNA: Skip those non-applicable vertices that do not have attributes or none of their attributes have statistics gathered.


A dictionary of various vertex stats for each vertex type specified.



delVertices(vertexType: str, where: str = "", limit: str = "", sort: str = "", permanent: bool = False, timeout: int = 0) → int

Deletes vertices from graph.

Note: The primary ID of a vertex instance is not an attribute. A primary ID cannot be used in select, where or sort parameters (unless the WITH primary_id_as_attribute clause was used when the vertex type was created).
Use delVerticesById() if you need to retrieve vertices by their primary ID.


  • vertexType: The name of the vertex type.

  • where: Comma separated list of conditions that are all applied on each vertex' attributes. The conditions are in logical conjunction (i.e. they are "AND’ed" together).

  • sort: Comma separated list of attributes the results should be sorted by. Must be used with limit.

  • limit: Maximum number of vertex instances to be returned (after sorting). Must be used with sort.

  • permanent: If true, the deleted vertex IDs can never be inserted back, unless the graph is dropped or the graph store is cleared. timeout: Time allowed for successful execution (0 = no limit, default).


A single number of vertices deleted.

The primary ID of a vertex instance is NOT an attribute, thus cannot be used in above arguments.



delVerticesById(vertexType: str, vertexIds: Union[int, str, list], permanent: bool = False, timeout: int = 0) → int

Deletes vertices from graph identified by their ID.


  • vertexType: The name of the vertex type.

  • vertexIds: A single vertex ID or a list of vertex IDs.

  • permanent: If true, the deleted vertex IDs can never be inserted back, unless the graph is dropped or the graph store is cleared.

  • timeout: Time allowed for successful execution (0 = no limit, default).


A single number of vertices deleted.


  • DELETE /graph/{graph_name}/vertices/{vertex_type}/{vertex_id} See Delete a vertex


vertexSetToDataFrame(vertexSet: list, withId: bool = True, withType: bool = False) → pd.DataFrame

Converts a vertex set to Pandas DataFrame.

Vertex sets are used for both the input and output of SELECT statements. They contain instances of vertices of the same type. For each vertex instance, the vertex ID, the vertex type and the (optional) attributes are present under the v_id, v_type and attributes keys, respectively.
See an example in edgeSetToDataFrame().

A vertex set has this structure (when serialised as JSON):

"v_id": <vertex_id>,
"v_type": <vertex_type_name>,
"attr1": <value1>,
"attr2": <value2>,

For more information on vertex sets see Vertex set variables.


  • vertexSet: A JSON array containing a vertex set in the format returned by queries (see below).

  • withId: Whether to include vertex primary ID as a column.

  • withType: Whether to include vertex type info as a column.


A pandas DataFrame containing the vertex attributes (and optionally the vertex primary ID and type).